The Invisible Gift
The invisible gift
Marking important dates with gift exchange
We can give gifts such as frankincense, myrrh, and gold
We can give symbolically health, wealth and wellbeing
so when giving something, I say, add an invisible gift
Add a wish for this person an intention of giving
Add something that is needed (and this is the tricky part)
How can one know what the other person needs?
Most of us don't even know ourselves
Often it takes challenges and hardships for us to know
So how can we add an invisible gift each time we give
Actually how can we give invisible gifts with each encounter?
We already do this, on a physical level we give smells for example
Isn't this why we shower and practice personal hygiene?
Invisibly we give before we physically encounter the other
We give invisible gifts not just physically, we also give emotionally and mentally
Our thoughts, intentions, judgements, feelings, start giving before we do
Next time you want to give a gift, pay attention to these in you first.
What's there for you?
What are you giving on an invisible level?
Are you adding something needed?
Would you like to receive that gift yourself?
What is the invisible gift? There's always one.