Celebrate whatever you feel like it, but please
Celebrate what is true and real for you
Celebrate this inhale and exhale, this vast wave of emotions,
Celebrate what’s here for you now
Celebrate the fact you’re making this feeling wrong or right
Celebrate your need to only want the “right” one
Celebrate You as wholeness and vastness
Celebrate your human condition in the body in this moment
Celebrate your fears, your shame and your guilt for it all
Celebrate that you can actually feel them too
Celebrate your sadness, your cowardice and weaknesses,
Celebrate your apathy and your judgement of each one
Celebrate your insufficiencies and your unworthiness
Celebrate your courage and your ability to accept it all
Celebrate your fight, your running away, your lies to save face,
Celebrate your joy, your love, your passions
Celebrate the fact that all the reasons to celebrate are just thoughts
Celebrate the fact that thoughts are no reason to celebrate
Celebrate yourSelf in this moment
You don’t celebrate it all because you like it all
but because you recognise you are none of it
and in this recognition, you see You are all of it too
and that indeed is to be celebrated!
Celebrate that and everything else is celebrated too