Tone it down!
Wanting to be "normal".
You follow rules, be a good girl, behave as expected!
You tone down your senses, numb yourself by copying the world
Yet nothing changes the fact you feel different and unable to correspond.
You beat yourself up and try harder, blame yourself and feel a failure.
Yet others just keep reinforcing how different you are.
True, you don't do things the way most people do
True, you don't seem to see life in the same way.
You start doubting yourself, believing they are right.
Yet something inside knows that it is OK to be YOU!
You fight and struggle going back and forward about it.
Yet there's always this thing that keeps you going.
True, you don't want to disappoint those you love
True, you know they will if you allow yourself to be yourself.
"Tone it down" you tell yourself, still wanting to be "normal"
BUT you don't want to tone it down.
You want to feel alive, what is, whole, love.
You want to be you, this high energy for no reason.
Wanting to be "normal" is the thing that is killing you.